Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Personal interpretation

With the aesthetic strategies introduced by the article, I have a general realization of incorporating them to my design. By paying attention to these terms, it may provide a wider perspective for me to achieve the aesthetic design requirements. If I could use the strategy in a design, I would regard these terms as a whole, each strategy connect to one another, for example, the naturalistic aspect coexists with a geometrical and numerical order. Because a naturalistic landscape is always followed by a well-designed combination of landscape elements. These elements are arranged by an aesthetic order, which will meet the human beings’ need towards the outdoor environment. Symmetry, regularity and proportion are the basic strategies applying in landscape design to demonstrate a designer’s understanding of the design, in this way, the naturalistic aspect has connected to ‘beautiful’ improvement. On the other hand, creating  a naturalistic landscape which means making an ecological or sustainable environment. With the development of the modern society, people are like to face nature. How to make a landscape sustainable is becoming an issue left to landscape architects to solve. Stormwater management, infrastructures maintenance, vegetation protection, we cannot ignore these components in a sustainable design. To sum up, I would be dedicated myself to the cooperation of multiple aesthetic strategies in future professional pursuit. I strongly believe that the profession of design is going towards the direction of complexity and comprehensiveness, since the contemporary projects are mixture of various problem solving processes. As a response to that, a dynamic of thoughts should be tightly embedded into a designer’s mind. And a embracing habit of approaches is a necessity that contributes to a successful career of a designer.

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