Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Traffic Safety

This is a sheet I made to evaluate traffic safety in a community.

Traffic Safety

Key Metrics

Crashes and injuries to motorists and other vehicle occupants, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists

Travel speeds and times

Traffic volumes

Pedestrian Infrastructure

Sidewalks (Physical buffer, pedestrian rails)
Do the streets have side walks? If have, Is there have any infrastructures to provide safe walk for pedestrian? 
High-visibility pavement
Does the sidewalk have high-visibility pavement markings?
Handicapped Design (detectable warnings, curb ramps)
Dose the sidewalk have handicapped design?
Pedestrian walkway width
Minimum Standards of Sidewalk width (Best 5 and 7 feet) (ITE guidelines)
Pedestrian Crossing

Crossing signage (“Look Both Ways” Sign,  “Stop Here” marking, signal devices)
Do the pedestrian crossings have crossing signage to help crossing street? Numbers of signage/street
Pedestrian crossing marking
Do the streets have clear crossing marking for pedestrian to walk, or for drivers to watch out?

Minimum Roadway width (curb to curb) (Best: 36-40 feet) (ITE guidelines)
Illumination level (0.5 foot-candles or more), pole spacing (best: 1 street light / 100-120 feet) (DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES OF ARLINGTON COUNTY)
Traffic calming devices (speed humps and bumps, ramble strips, street closures, traffic diverters, traffic islands, chokers and road narrowing, on-street parking)
Do the streets have traffic calming devices? 
Traffic control devices [stop signs, yield signs, speed limit signs, turn prohibitions, one-way streets, commercial vehicle prohibitions, special warning signs (watch for children, children at play), portable signs, traffic signals, etc.]
Do the streets have traffic control devices?
Numbers of intersection/mile street
Intersection sight distance
Corner radii (Best 20 to 25 feet) (Santa Barbara, CA) 

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