Wednesday, December 3, 2014


In George Monbiot's presentation, he advocates an increase in wildland experiences and increased wonder in our lives. He also advocates a restoration process that he refers to as rewilding. The example that he gives is the trophic effects of the return of wolves to Yellowstone National Park.
From lecture I  found the most important comment is rewilding provides us opportunities to bring back some loss species, and it is always the nature the has the possession to decide.
My is example is Tianjin Qiaoyuan Park, which rewild the nature wetland park into the city and it makes better environmantal situation for the city. Tianjin Qiaoyuan Park is a park of 54 acres in a northern city of China. Because of the rapid urbanization, the city has changed a peripheral shooting range into a garbage dump and drainage sink for urban stormwater. Before the site was built, it was heavily polluted, littered, deserted, and surrounded with slums and temporary ricked structures. The soil is quite saline and alkaline.
To put the wild wetland in the city can provide a diversity of nature's services for the city and the surrounding urban residents, stormwater detention and purification are included. Moreover, the design improves the saline-alkali soil through natural processes, restore the regional landscape with low-maintenance native vegetation, and provide opportunities for environmental education about native landscapes and natural system, landscape sustainability.

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