Stephen Epler Hall is nationally recognized for its storm-water design and has won several awards. In 2001, landscape architects from Mithun designed an educational residential courtyard in Portland State University. The goal of this courtyard is to educate and to serve the users’ needs and demands.
Pennypacker described this area as—a particularly engaging rainwater treatment and harvesting system that is―found in an intimate plaza enclosed by Stephen Epler Hall and King Albert Hall .
Pennypacker then goes on to describe how storm-water travels across the courtyard: ―First rain descends from the roof of Epler Hall via downspouts that follow three of the building columns. At the bottom of each downspout the rain disappears into a raised concrete basin filled with river rock. People walk through the storm-water courtyard will notice that the water flows from the roofs of the buildings down to the river rock before it moves through scuppers at the bottom of each basin. The rainwater flow is then directed through the plaza into three separate runnels. Curious onlookers will find that the water will eventually flow to the courtyard planters. This project demonstrates a suitable way to treat storm-water, and also provides an example of how this treatment functions in a learning facility.
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